آرشیو :
نسخه تابستان 1398
موضوع :
مهندسی نرم افزار
نویسنده/گان :
میثم کافوری، جمشید سالار
کلید واژه :
:رایانش ابری؛ تحملپذیری خطا؛ تخصیص منابع؛ ابر بلادرنگ
Title :
Proposing a fault tolerant mechanism in real-time cloud computing using virtual machines crediting
Abstract :
Cloud computing is an important computing concept that provides low-cost services to users. Fault tolerance and reliability are important concepts that mean producing appropriate responses in the presence of faulty components. Requests for fault tolerance have been increased in order to achieve reliability in real-time computing. In computing, most real-time tasks recorded in the cloud are processed remotely; therefore, due to the loss of control in the computational nodes, the possibility of error increases.
Fault tolerance techniques are in place to deal with such cases. The reliability of virtual machines will change over time.
In this study, we will compare the reliability of virtual machines by clustering them based on how they work and their errors. After determining virtual machines’ reliability and clustering them in three clusters , hard real-time, soft real-time and non-real-time work,
Error tolerance will be applied, and tasks will be performed ahead of time before their deadline.. After simulating the proposed method in the Cloudsim environment, it was found that the proposed method has made significant progress in meeting the deadlines.
مراجع :
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- صفحات : 11-22
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