آرشیو :
نسخه پاییز 1397
موضوع :
مهندسی نرم افزار
نویسنده/گان :
مهدی نژادفرحانی، هما مهدی پور، نازنین نجفی
کلید واژه :
فرمال متدها، زبان Z، مهندسی نیازمندی¬ها، جبر مجموعه¬ها و حساب محمولات
Title :
An overview of the formal and linguistic features of Z
Abstract :
One of the important languages in characterization of methods is Z language, which makes it possible to model the characteristics of the system with the rules and methods of discrete mathematics. Z is an official language based on set theory In this paper, the aim is to examine the formal position of methods and Z language in engineering analysis of software requirements along with providing examples with this language
مراجع :
[1] Beckert, B. (2009) Formal Specification of Software The Z Specification Language, Lecture Note, UNIVERSIT˜T KOBLENZ-LANDAU.
[2] Saiedian, H. (2006) Developing Formal Specifications in Z, Software Requirements Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science University of Kansas.
[3] Davies, J. (2006) Using Z Specification, Refinement, and Proof, Oxford press, University of Oxford.
[4] Spivey, J. M., Abrial, J. R., Hayes, I. J., Hoare, C. A. R., Morgan, C. C.,Sanders, J. W., Sufrin, B. A. (2006) The Z Notation: A Reference Manual Second Edition, Oxford press,University of Oxford.
- صفحات : 46-53
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