آرشیو :
نسخه بهار 1398
موضوع :
شبکه های کامپیوتری
نویسنده/گان :
توحید ساکت
کلید واژه :
اینترنت اشیاء، امنیت، مکانیزم امنیتی، امنیت اینترنت اشیاء.
Title :
Reviewing and comparing security, goals, security solutions and providing a security framework on the Internet of things
Abstract :
The Internet of Things has added an intelligence-based empowerment to the features of today's modern world, such as networks and organizations. It is not really a simple development of the Internet or a communication network, but has the characteristics of both. The Internet of Things uses activation sensors and data communication technology embedded in physical objects that allow objects to be tracked, coordinated, or controlled over a network or the Internet. In order for the IoT to become a global entity, its challenges must be met. Security, standardization and communication of objects are among the most important challenges of this promise in the world of information technology. This article discusses the concept of the Internet of Things, multi-layered architecture, challenges, threats, solutions to security attacks at the security vulnerability level, the limitations of this technology, and the provision of a security framework. Therefore, this article examines and evaluates IoT threats and vulnerabilities, layer security concerns, security techniques, security framework, and security mechanisms in terms of IoT security. The results in the proposed security framework refer to the development of a secure relationship in the security of architecture and object communication. However, the development of data privacy, confidentiality and integrity mechanisms can improve IoT security.
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- صفحات : 62-70
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